Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
· 2 minutes de lecture
A spanning tree is a tree that connects all the vertices
of a graph through some edges. If a graph has N vertices, then its spanning tree will have N-1 edges
. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree of a weighted graph with the minimum total edge weight. the lightest edge
plays a crucial role in finding the MST. There are two algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees: Kruskal's algorithm
and Prim's algorithm
- Communication networks
- Transportation networks
Prim's Algorithm
- Prim's algorithm uses a greedy strategy.
- It starts with an arbitrary vertex v and chooses the minimum edge that connects v to a new vertex w.
- This process is repeated until the minimum spanning tree (MST) is found.
- Utilizes a binary heap to store the edges outside clusters.
- The running time is
O(E log V)
since the graph is connected. - The space complexity is either
O(E + V)
using a binary heap orO(V)
using a Fibonacci heap.
Kruskal's Algorithm
- Scans the edges only once.
- Works with disconnected graphs
- Ensures that the result is a tree with no cycles.
- Utilizes a priority queue to store the edges outside clusters.
- Maintains a forest of trees.
- The running time is
O(E log E) or O(E log V)
, whichever is smaller. - The space complexity for storing the graph and the disjoint-set data structure is
O(V + E)